[201106]【48kHZ/24bit】原神-皎月云间之梦 Jade Moon Upon a Sea of Clouds (《原神》璃月篇OST)

[201106]【48kHZ/24bit】原神-皎月云间之梦 Jade Moon Upon a Sea of Clouds (《原神》璃月篇OST)


《原神》璃月篇OST《皎月云间之梦 Jade Moon Upon a Sea of Clouds 》正式上线,专辑分为《琉璃明月照海平 Glazed Moon Over the Tides》、《山巅清心云间月 Shimmering Sea of Clouds and Moonlight》与《璃月鏖战录 Battles of Liyue》3张分碟,共收录69首由陈致逸@ HOYO-MiX为《原神》璃月地区创作的原声音乐。璃月篇精选曲目由伦敦爱乐乐团、上海交响乐团与民乐艺术家演奏,分别于AiRStudios录音棚、上海交响乐团音乐厅完成录制。

Disc 01 琉璃明月照海平 Glazed Moon Over the Tides


1. 璃月(Liyue) 04:36

2. 杯中明月(Moon on One’s Cup) 01:57

3. 商港的闲暇(Relaxation in Liyue) 01:07

4. 环佩凭栏望千帆(Maiden’s Longning) 01:18

5. 璃月的日出(Sun Rises in Liyue) 01:42

6. 晚安,璃月(Good Night, Liyue) 01:28

7. 璃月的一日将尽(Call It a Day in Liyue) 01:35

8. 璃月的晴空(Clear Sky Over Liyue) 01:22

9. 晶莹可掇 (琉璃亭)(A Transparent Moon (Liuli Pavilion)) 00:58

10. 北国的宝库(Treasury From the North) 01:17

11. 品茗尝清心 (望舒昼间)(Cozy Leisure Time (Wangshu Daytime)) 01:29

12. 美梦抚归人 (望舒夜间)(Sojourner’s Sweet Dream (Wangshu Night)) 01:36

13. 逶迤绿水长(Winding River) 01:03

14. 轻波微荡(Mild Waves) 01:43

15. 钓客漫歌(Rhythm Amidst the Reeds) 01:00

16. 源流汇响(Flows of Jade-Like Water) 00:56

17. 幽谷多芳草(Blossoms Across the Valley) 01:08

18. 多情东逝(Flow of Mildness) 01:19

19. 山阴漫步(Stroll in the Shadows) 01:24

20. 古道笛声(Melodious Flute) 00:45

21. 清昼细雨(Gentle Rain) 00:59

22. 竹林的轻语(Vague Whispers) 01:04

23. 不复回的传说(Legends Swept Away) 00:54

24. 归客的轻歌(Joy of Returning) 01:12

25. 离原之草(Loner’s Departure) 01:24

26. 原上狐鸣(Foxes at Play) 01:32

27. 怀乡的原野(Plain of Nostalgia) 01:19

28. 希望的明日(Another Hopeful Tomorrow) 01:25

29. 小小的光(This Little Light of Mine) 01:35

30. 宽怀的传说(Legend of Redemption) 01:41

31. 暧暧含光(Hazy Light) 02:24

32. 潮汐浮梦(Scattered Amongst the Tides) 01:35

33. 随海风而来(Rhythms From the Conch) 01:38


Disc 02 山巅清心云间月 Shimmering Sea of Clouds and Moonlight


1. 山风拂萝衣 (轻策昼间)(Peaceful Hike (Qingce Daytime)) 02:11

2. 不再年轻的村庄 (轻策夜间)(The Fading Stories (Qingce Night)) 02:09

3. 倦飞之鸟(Wandering Flight) 01:25

4. 追寻仙迹(Faint Tracks) 01:12

5. 无心出岫(Idle Away From Mountains) 01:14

6. 峭岩作歌(Humming Amidst Rocks) 01:39

7. 云海之上(Above the Sea of Clouds) 00:57

8. 偷闲浮生(Adeptus’ Retirement) 00:58

9. 亭台闲坐(A Casual Visit) 01:09

10. 偶遇归人(A Serendipitous Encounter) 01:09

11. 白鹤之飞(Freedom of Crane) 01:22

12. 天霁日出(Rays of Sunlight) 01:20

13. 虹霞垂天(Rainbow at Summit) 01:20

14. 清泉入云海(Spring in Clouds) 01:51

15. 仙家独酌(Adeptus’ Solace) 01:47

16. 洞府徘徊(The Absence of Adepti) 01:02

17. 风静云起(Emerging Clouds) 01:13

18. 岩间对饮(Drink With a Hermit) 01:15

19. 山路青苔(Moss Covered Path) 01:04

20. 云间孤鸿(Bird Call From Afar) 00:52

21. 仙人的棋局(Red Leaf on the Chessboard) 01:02

22. 幽涧泠泠(Secluded Sanctuary) 01:33

23. 浮影掠光映百合(Flickering Petals) 01:24

24. 青云流风饰霓裳(Swinging in the Breeze) 01:24

25. 孑立的群岩(Solitude Mountains) 01:09

26. 悠远的鸟鸣(Distant Resonance) 01:14

27. 悠古的脚步(Foregone Giants) 01:14

28. 山间回望(Linger in the Valley) 01:06

29. 沉睡的往昔(Slumbering Lore) 01:48

30. 黯然的城塞(Silent Ruins) 01:02

31. 孤独的漫行者(Lone Drifter) 01:34

32. 失落的愿景(Lost Expectation) 01:34

33. 壶中洞天(The Realm Within) 03:13


Disc 03 璃月鏖战录 Battles of Liyue


1. 疾如猛火(Rapid as Wildfires) 04:19

2. 激流逐浪(Chasing the Torrents) 03:54

3. 鲜衣游侠(Gallant Challenge) 03:42


下载地址(OneDrive): https://peryuuki-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/zhouyuhao_peryuuki_onmicrosoft_com/En0kWnWqYkRJqDzSKnc2hM4B7_lLXgk_mtR_OSkgWU71Pg?e=Nh16pl

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